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The eProcurement System enables the Tenderers to download the Tender Schedule free of cost and then submit the bids online through this portal.
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Latest Tenders  
Tender Title Reference No Closing Date Bid Opening Date
1. Construction Of R.C.C. Drain, Work At Rajban To Aramashin, Ward No. 12, Sihora 3587/PWD/NPP/2024 28-Oct-2024 05:30 PM 30-Oct-2024 11:00 AM
2. Construction Of R.C.C. Drain, Work At Kailash To Khadania, Ward No. 13, Sihora 3587/PWD/NPP/2024 28-Oct-2024 05:30 PM 30-Oct-2024 11:00 AM
3. Construction Of C.C. Road, Work At Main Road To Bablu Gumasta Ward No. 11, Sihora 3587/PWD/NP/2024 28-Oct-2024 05:30 PM 30-Oct-2024 11:00 AM
4. Construction Of C.C. Road, Work At Jaggu To Sandeep Gupta, Ward No. 02 Sihora 3587/PWD/NPP/2024 28-Oct-2024 05:30 PM 30-Oct-2024 11:00 AM
5. Construction Of R.C.C. Drain, Work At Nasim To Ansari Ward No. 05, Sihora 3587/PWD/NPP/2024 28-Oct-2024 05:30 PM 30-Oct-2024 11:00 AM
6. Construction Of Toilet Work At Atul Bhawan, Ward No. 10, Sihora 3587/PWD/NPP/2024 28-Oct-2024 05:30 PM 30-Oct-2024 11:00 AM
7. Laying and providing of paver blocks swami ji niwas to viswant ji house and Other places Under narsingh ward zone 04 2024-25 PRO 233 24-Oct-2024 05:30 PM 28-Oct-2024 10:00 AM
8. Community building, boundary ball, building repair and other works under 04 wards, zone 04 2024-25 PRO 232 24-Oct-2024 05:30 PM 28-Oct-2024 10:00 AM
9. Construction of room near ram mandir and drain work Under Disilwa ward Zone no.04. 2024-25 PRO 231 24-Oct-2024 05:30 PM 28-Oct-2024 10:00 AM
10. CONSTRUCTION WORK OF NEW JAIL IN BURHANPUR INCLUDING EMPLOYEE QUARTERS DISTT BURHANPUR MP 08/2024/Cent.Ten/G/Chief En b Indore dt.10.10.2024 28-Oct-2024 10:00 AM 29-Oct-2024 10:00 AM
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Latest Corrigendums
Corrigendum Title Reference No Closing Date Bid Opening Date
1. Date Ext. Order 107/PWD/2024 Dtd. 04-10-2024 91/PWD/2024 23-Oct-2024 05:30 PM 25-Oct-2024 11:00 AM
2. Date Ext. Order 105/PWD/2024 Dtd. 04-10-2024 91/PWD/2024 23-Oct-2024 05:30 PM 25-Oct-2024 11:00 AM
3. Date Ext. Order 106/PWD/2024 Dtd. 04-10-2024 91/PWD/2024 23-Oct-2024 05:30 PM 25-Oct-2024 11:00 AM
4. Date Ext. Order 109/PWD/2024 Dtd. 04-10-2024 91/PWD/2024 23-Oct-2024 05:30 PM 25-Oct-2024 11:00 AM
5. Date Ext. Order 107/PWD/2024 Dtd. 04-10-2024 91/PWD/2024 23-Oct-2024 05:30 PM 25-Oct-2024 11:00 AM
6. Date Ext. Order 108/PWD/2024 Dtd. 04-10-2024 91/PWD/2024 23-Oct-2024 05:30 PM 25-Oct-2024 11:00 AM
7. Date Ext. Order 103/PWD/2024 Dtd. 04-10-2024 92/PWD/2024 09-Nov-2024 05:30 PM 11-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
8. Following amendment is issued 1069/2023-24/Einc/Etendering/ dt.21-06-2024 25-Oct-2024 05:30 PM 28-Oct-2024 12:30 PM
9. Revised Additional Special Conditions 04(10)-DL/2024-25/1st Call/PWD Betul 18-Oct-2024 05:30 PM 21-Oct-2024 10:30 AM
10. Spcial Condition Whit Topping Work Sansodhita 07/2024-25/SAC/Sehore Dt 10-10-2024 28-Oct-2024 05:30 PM 30-Oct-2024 10:30 AM
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